Human Resource Request

One-Stop Voluntary Benefits Programme for Human Resource Department Our One stop Voluntary Benefit is pleased to offer you options to expand your range of employee benefits. Employees may pick and choose insurance benefits on a voluntary basis at no or minimum cost to the company. Advantages to you:

If you are interested please kindly fill up the form below for a detail discussion:

    Are you are exisiting Account Holder with us?: YesNo

    We are able to provide Health Screening by Healthcare Service Providers Eg: Spine Analysis b. Eye Assessment d. Foot Screening Health & Wealth Talks by Professionals . You may choose an available healthcare topic that is most preferred by your employees and we will appoint a medical expert to deliver the talk. As part of the programme agenda, a complimentary topic on healthcare financing will be included as well. We also able to provide Health Bazaar @ Workplace (minimum 150 participants) . We can arrange for 4 to 6 vendors to exhibit products which carry the “Healthier Choice Symbol” by the Health Promotion Board to promote a healthier lifestyle. The proposed healthcare-related activities will enable your employees to have the necessary knowledge in managing their health and medical costs.

    • Better benefits for your employees at no extra cost
    • Helps you attract and retain staff
    • Flexible individual benefits for your employees
    • Increased productivity
    • Full support from us to meet your organization’s needs

    Advantages to your employees:

    • More comprehensive coverage
    • Affordability
    • Portability
    • Peace of mind